
Taking 3 minutes a day to train, will improve your dog walking on leash.

That’s a fact and I can prove it! Walking on leash; train your dog walking up and down the hallway first, don’t take the big leap to the park or the neighborhood if your dog is pulling even before you leave the house!

Reinforce the behavior you want.

To reinforce a behavior- so you don’t have to continually correct it, find the point where the dog does the behavior easily. If that means walking about your house is the only time your dog does not pull, then start there.

Communication is key.

The key is to understand how powerful frequent reinforcements are in building the behavior. The reward builds the memory of what the dog just did is what you want. The feed back loop of communication between you and your dog critically relies on this. Without it you will be forced to use more force.

High rate of reinforcement in short sessions.

Slow everything down. Train in sessions of 3 minutes with a high rate of reinforcement;the dog walks at your side, mark it and reinforce it, the dog walks at your side, (not pulling,) mark it and reinforce it. Repeat.

Practice, practice.

Walk slowly so the dog learns to follow you. Build up your frequency of rewards so the dog is completely focused on you. This means every step you mark and treat, then it is every other step you mark and treat. Try turning in a circle using the focus that you have built in, remember don’t use the leash to pull the dog in the turn.

Dog walking at side.

If your dog is focused he will follow you and walk at your side.

To phase out the frequency of mark and reward,  try marking and rewarding every other step then every 4th step and so on, if at any time your dog starts to lose focus, slow down and go back to the last point of focus. If you have gone over three minutes then this might be why too. So training sessions are not long at all, we aim for high quality not quantity. Start positive, end positive.